MAKS Promotion: Bari November 22
uglia Sviluppo and Aerospace Gateway: the Russian Front
Puglia Sviluppo is ready to cross the Russian border with its region’s SMEs. In a strategy meeting that took place November 22nd in Bari, Aerospace Gateway was able to rally the men to achieve this dream.
Naturally, we are talking about MAKS 2019. This extremely important event is one of AG’s highest priorites. It’s a great showcase in the aerospace market, and it offers amazing opportunities to those who participate. Therefore, AG is committed to helping the Italian SMEs go to the event. Not only will we get them to go, we will be: prepping them beforehand, scheduling adequate B2Bs for them, and finding the traits that make each SME interesting for the Russian industry.
This course of action, that characterizes AG, was explained at the November 22nd event in Bari. The opening statement was by Dr. Pastore, in charge of Puglia’s productive activities for internationalization; in it, he showed great interest for this project. Afterwards AG took to the podium and their speech received a lot of enthusiasm.
Also appreciated were the contributions by Aviasalon, in which they described in useful detail the MAKS international salon, and by the Italian representative of the Rostec Corporation; he gave an overview of the opportunities present in the Russian Federation’s civil aerospace market.
Lastly, Puglia Sviluppo’s Dr. Mulloy spoke with excitement for the project. She offered to: distribute the project’s material; offer their own information regarding the event to the aerospace companies; keep AG posted on any developments. Additionally, if 5 or more of Puglia’s aerospace companies go to MAKS, Puglia Sviluppo will, they themselves, participate with a collective stand.
We hope that this meeting has put us on the way to get results. That AG and Puglia Sviluppo will soon extend beyond the Russian border, triumphant, but peacefully.
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